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Enterprise password management software to secure compliance

Ensure compliance with the T&C’s of your enterprise subscription agreements through optimized password management

Managing passwords for your online subscriptions & installed applications can be a challenge, especially when it covers multiple contracts with different vendors. How can you facilitate all this while providing seamless access to the users? Are forgotten passwords restricting users access to content and creating unnecessary administration?

Do you lack visibility and control over password sharing and vendor audit risk? Is there any mechanism to actively monitor users leaving a firm, and help you proactively cancel their subscriptions?

ResearchMonitor provides efficient enterprise password management software to prevent password sharing and to ensure compliance with the T&C’s of your vendor agreements.

Challenges of compliance with your vendor licenses

Multitudes of online enterprise subscriptions — including market data, research, software, and information services — equate to a myriad of varying license agreements. Some are enterprise wide, while others are usernames and passwords per user. Some are based on office locations, while others offer a pool of credentials for the firm to manage.

While ensuring your researchers and other users globally can access these subscriptions seamlessly, you also want to ensure none of these are being shared amongst individuals as this can ultimately result in a hefty license breach penalty risk. Managing all these aspects of online access can be challenging and confusing at the same time.

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Password Management

Transparency into shared logins and usage patterns

A centrally managed enterprise password management system that gives you visibility at a user level and management portal that allows you to configure a range of password combinations is the answer. That coupled with usage data capture results in an automated system that ensures seamless access for users while at the same time giving you control around access by unauthorized users.

A system that reduce your compliance exposure and protect against backdated charges and fines. One that provides transparency into shared logins and usage patterns, allowing you to find and address problems before your vendor audits do. Alarms and access controls can then protect against future issues arising.

Ready to ensure compliance through optimized password management?

Learn how you can optimize your password management processes.

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Efficient password management for enterprises

ResearchMonitor’s Password Management module is tailored to improve user experience through password free site access, and control sensitive passwords while still allowing automatic logon. It presents with multiple combinations of usernames and passwords that can be configured per subscription.

While most of your vendors provide individual user or enterprise credentials for access, ResearchMonitor also has got options in place if you want to use override credentials for a group of users, separate credentials per offices, or even managing pooled credentials (a given set of credentials based on first come, first served basis).

If users have multiple combinations of credentials — e.g. hourly or transactional — there is an option that allows you to configure and enable this seamlessly for the user. Specific reports give you visibility into credentials that are being shared as well as identifying credentials of leavers from the firm allowing you to proactively cancel their subscription.

Key takeaways

  • Store account and password details, resulting in less administrative overhead and a password free environment for the end users
  • Improve access to information — reduce barriers to information access through smart account and password management
  • Control excessive subscription spend — implement controls limiting access only to licensed individuals
  • Third party compliance
  • Seamlessly integrates with TRG Screen’s enterprise spend management software solution — Optimize Spend — to give you total visibility over both spend and usage to allow you to truly optimize your subscription expenditure
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ResearchMonitor provides financial institutions, law firms, and professional services firms with a central system to manage and analyze all of your online subscriptions — such as market data, research & SaaS licenses — as well as installed desktop applications & terminals.

Usage tracking of web-based subscriptions & applications

Other processes ResearchMonitor optimizes

Key Benefits
  • Usage & trend analysis
  • Contract compliance
  • Access controls & user workflows