Financial institutions worldwide take proactive control of market data and subscription costs with our software, insights and expert services.
Whether you're a major bank, asset manager or hedge fund, we help you drive cost savings and bottom line impact.
Only TRG Screen provides the actionable insights, process automation, expertise and capacity to lower total market data and subscription costs, minimize fee increases,
and avoid out-of-budget spend.
Process Automation
Market data cost reduction lifecycle processes
Cut operational costs and boost productivity by streamlining and automating high-volume, day-to-day administrative tasks.
Actionable Insights
Market data and cost management insights
Identify redundant, underutilized, duplicate and overpriced market data licenses with real-time spend and usage tracking.
Expert Support
Best in class market data expertise
Leverage best practices and maximize internal resources by accessing market data management expertise and services.
Successfully managing a total of $8.5 billion in expenses for financial institutions that prioritize cost control.
Discover how we can help you to optimize your enterprise subscription spend & usage.
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